Days until restraining order is lifted: 326
I swear Voloyda exists solely to irritate me. I haven’t seen him in particular following me but I did see several suspicious individuals trailing me over the last few days. Three people to be exact; two men, both of whom were wearing a suit and fedora and a woman wearing a fur hat and coat. It is 55 degrees out. Who wears a fur coat in 55 degree weather? I believe the men that followed me may be Voloyda’s younger brother and their cousin but I did not recognize the woman. What is wrong with these people? You would think that if you were going to follow someone you would make a little more effort to blend in. A three-piece suit? A fur coat? Are you fucking kidding me? Are all Russian people completely insane? Voloyda has people following me. I almost can’t believe it. I wish I had never dated this lunatic.