Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Voloyda’s Craziness Part 12

Days until restraining order is lifted: 326

I swear Voloyda exists solely to irritate me.  I haven’t seen him in particular following me but I did see several suspicious individuals trailing me over the last few days.  Three people to be exact; two men, both of whom were wearing a suit and fedora and a woman wearing a fur hat and coat.  It is 55 degrees out.  Who wears a fur coat in 55 degree weather?  I believe the men that followed me may be Voloyda’s younger brother and their cousin but I did not recognize the woman.  What is wrong with these people?  You would think that if you were going to follow someone you would make a little more effort to blend in.  A three-piece suit?  A fur coat?  Are you fucking kidding me?  Are all Russian people completely insane?  Voloyda has people following me.  I almost can’t believe it.  I wish I had never dated this lunatic.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Conversation with Voloyda 4

Days until restraining order is lifted: 327

I re-friended Voloyda today.  Thirty seconds later he messages me, “You added me back.  I love you.”  Then we had this conversation:

V: Did you know that David and his wife were divorced and then remarried.
O: OMG.  That is fascinating.
V: Really?!
O: No
V: I guess I set myself up for that one.
O: Yes. Yes you did.

I don’t know why but I found our conversation hilarious.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Missing The Store

Days until restraining order is lifted: 328

It has been two months since I was banned from The Store.  I miss it.  Well maybe not The Store so much as Annette and Minerva.  I haven’t spoken to either of them for a month and a half.  Dammit Voloyda.  Why the fuck did you follow David to his house.  And more importantly why did I say it was me.  I’m not going to protect him any longer.  If I see him following me again I will call the police. 

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Voloyda’s Craziness Part 11

Voloyda pissed me off so bad the other day that I finally blocked him from my Facebook and told him I was going to file a restraining order.  Then I hear from Theo that Voloyda was messaging him telling him that I should re-friend him.  What really sent me over the edge was the statement: “You’re doing to me exactly what Annette did to you.”  It upset me greatly and I broke down and cried for 35 minutes.  I’ll unblock him in a few days after I calm down.  I’ll make Voloyda sweat as he worries whether he’ll be slapped with a restraining order.  Maybe it’ll do him some good.  He deserves it.  Maybe he’ll even leave me alone.  I haven’t seen him since so maybe he finally got the idea that I want nothing to do with him. 

Suicide Support Group

Days until restraining order is lifted: 329

My half-sister Andie called me today to tell me about a support group for suicidal people.  It meets once a month and is right down the street from my house.  She said she thought it would be good for me, that maybe I could make some friends.  Because we all know I’m not miserable enough I should go hang out with a group of other suicidal people.  Maybe we can swap ideas.  That sounds like a brilliant plan.  LOL.  Maybe I’ll go.  It would be nice to meet some people who know what I’m going through.  The reason Annette and I got along so well was because she has a lot of the same issues I do.  I don’t know; might be worth checking out. 

Friday, April 26, 2013

Phobia List

Days until restraining order is lifted: 330
Here is the list of everything I am afraid of.  It is quite long and ever-growing.
1.      Accidents
2.      Alligators
3.      Anxiety
4.      Appendicitis
5.      Asymmetrical objects
6.      Attacked -being
7.      Atomic explosions
8.      Babies
9.      Bees
10.  Beetles
11.  Birds
12.  Bitten - being
13.  Brain diseases
14.  Buried alive - being
15.  Butterflies
16.  Calling people on the telephone
17.  Cancer
18.  Cannibals
19.  Centipedes
20.  Chainsaws
21.  Childbirth
22.  Children
23.  Choking
24.  Cholera
25.  Churches
26.  Clowns
27.  Cockroaches
28.  Completely isolated - being
29.  Contaminated with dirt or germs - being
30.  Contracting a disease
31.  Crickets
32.  Crocodiles
33.  Crowds
34.  Death of close family
35.  Dentists
36.  Dirty – being
37.  Dolls
38.  Drowning
39.  Ducks
40.  Dysentery
41.  Earthquakes
42.  Electrocuted - being
43.  Expressing opinions
44.  Failure
45.  Falling or being pushed off a ladder
46.  Flies
47.  Floods
48.  Gallstones
49.  Germs
50.  Heart attacks
51.  Heights
52.  Hit by a car - being
53.  House burning down
54.  Hurricanes
55.  Imperfections
56.  Insanity
57.  Insects
58.  Jellyfish
59.  Judged negatively in social situations - being
60.  Kidney disease
61.  Ladybugs
62.  Laughed at - being
63.  Leprosy/Lepers
64.  Lice
65.  Lit on fire - being
66.  Lizards
67.  Mauled by bears – being
68.  Mauled by elephants – being
69.  Mauled by lions – being
70.  Mauled by tigers – being
71.  Mercury
72.  Missiles
73.  Mobs
74.  Monsoons
75.  Mosquitos
76.  Moths
77.  Noxious airborne substances
78.  Nuclear weapons
79.  Oleander
80.  Open high spaces
81.  Open spaces in general
82.  Other peoples shoes
83.  Outside
84.  Parasites
85.  People
86.  People with amputations
87.  Pitied – being
88.  Poisoned – being
89.  Poliomyelitis
90.  Prison
91.  Public toilets
92.  Pushed down the stairs – being
93.  Rabies
94.  Radiation
95.  Raped – being
96.  Rats
97.  Ridiculed – being
98.  Riots
99.  Risk
100.                      Robbed – being
101.                      SARS
102.                      Scabies
103.                      Scarlet fever
104.                      Scorpions
105.                      Sharks
106.                      Shingles
107.                      Shot – being
108.                      Skin lesions
109.                      Smallpox
110.                      Soccer riots
111.                      Society
112.                      Speaking in public
113.                      Spiders
114.                      Stabbed – being
115.                      Stared at – being
116.                      Submarines
117.                      Suffocated – being
118.                      Tap water
119.                      Tapeworms
120.                      Termites
121.                      Tetanus
122.                      The Mafia
123.                      Toads
124.                      Tornadoes
125.                      Touched - being
126.                      Tuberculosis
127.                      Tulips
128.                      Venomous snakes
129.                      Ventriloquists dummies
130.                      Walking over bridges
131.                      War
132.                      Wasps
133.                      Worms

Thursday, April 25, 2013


I had an appointment with my therapist today and on the way there Theo and I saw a homeless man with a “Will work 4 food” sign.  We were stopped at the intersection and the man was standing about three cars behind us.  I opened Theo’s window and shouted “Hey homeless guy.  Come here, I’ll give you a dollar.”  Theo handed the man the dollar and he walked away.  After we made it through the intersection Theo turned to me with a death glare and said “He touched me.”  I can’t remember the last time I laughed that hard.

We got to my therapist’s 10 minutes early and were sitting in the waiting room.  She comes out “Hi! I’ll be with you in just a minute!”  Theo looks at me.  “That’s your therapist?  She needs a therapist.  She is like totally wired.”  I don’t know why I found that so hilarious but I couldn’t stop laughing.  And then the session started and she got me all depressed about my dead dog.  Dammit.  I was actually happy and then she had to go and ruin it. 

Voloyda’s Craziness Part 10

Days until restraining order is lifted: 331

Damn it Voloyda.  I am afraid of many things but dying is not one of them.  If you’re going to threaten me, threaten me with clowns or moths or heights or lizards or soccer riots.  In fact I have of list containing over 100 things that I am afraid of.  Death is not one of them.  Do not threaten to kill me.  Threatening to kill someone who is suicidal nearly every day is not very fucking effective.  In fact it just serves to piss me off.  You say you’re going to kill me.  I say “Come at me, bro.”

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Hit by a Car

Days until restraining order is lifted: 333

I got hit by a fucking car the other day while I was trying to cross the street and the police tried to throw me back in the nut house.  I swear you try to kill yourself one time by getting run over and everyone thinks you’re a fucking nut.  I was honestly just trying to cross the street.  If I was going to kill myself why would I try a way that I had already failed at before?  It makes no sense.  I can think of a dozen ways to die that would be more effective.  What the hell.  The police sure are fucking stupid.  At least they didn’t lock me up. 

Monday, April 22, 2013

Voloyda’s Craziness Part 9

Days until restraining order is lifted: 334

I met with Voloyda yesterday afternoon outside his apartment.  He kept trying to get me to go upstairs to his flat with him.  I said no.  I have no problem with seeing him in an arranged meeting in public but I’m not going to meet with him in private.  Especially since he said he was going to kill me.  Also there’s the fact that I cannot legally enter his apartment building because David lives there.  David filing the restraining order has actually been quite useful.  It is preventing me from purchasing a gun which is keeping me alive and it gives me another reason to stay away from Voloyda.  As if I don’t have enough reasons already.  LOL.  Oh well.  One month down eleven to go. 

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Voloyda’s Craziness Part 8

Days until restraining order is lifted: 335

Today is Voloyda’s birthday.  He invited me to his party which while it would be totally awesome is an incredibly bad idea.  Voloyda’s family has 40 acres out in the country.  He always throws the absolute best parties.  If I didn’t know that going would lead to him hitting on me nonstop the entire night, I would totally go.  He makes people sign liability wavers on the way in due to some accidents that have occurred in the past.  One time this guy tried to do a backflip off the barn and he landed on his head and cracked his skull open.  Another time this man snuck up behind a horse and got kicked in the throat and it severed his trachea and he died.  That was really bad.  I don’t think he’s ever had a party where someone wasn’t seriously injured.  But the parties were always really fun.  At least until the police showed up and shut them down. 

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Conversation with Voloyda 3

Days until restraining order is lifted: 336

I updated my Facebook status that I was ‘happy to be alive.’  Not even thirty seconds after posting it I received a call from Theo asking what was wrong and if I was going to kill myself.  Apparently he found my happiness very suspicious.  I was actually just happy.  That happiness lasted all of 23 minutes until Voloyda began posting shit.  Here is the conversation that ensued:

O: Happy to be alive.
V: Sorry for saying I was going to kill you
O: Um.  Thank you.  I guess.
V: Your not going to file a restraining order rite
O: No.
V: Why not
O: Because that would be rude.
V: Bet you wish David was of the same opinion
O: To be fair the man was being followed.
V: But not by you.
O: I know that.  You know that.  David does not know that.
V: You could’ve told him
O: He wouldn’t have believed me.  And it’s really not that hard to stay away from someone I have no interest in.
V: I guess
O: I do miss going to The Store though.  And Annette.
O: And the restraining order is the only thing that’s keeping me alive.
V: Why
O: Due to the restraining order I can’t purchase a gun
V: There are other ways to get a gun
O: Why so if I fail to die, I end up with a felony weapons violation.  I’m crazy not stupid.
V: Please don’t kill yourself
O: I have no intention of dying anytime soon
V: We should go on a date
V: Fine be that way.  I hate you

There goes my good mood.  Every conversation we have ends with him either calling me a ‘stupid bitch’ or saying ‘Fine be that way.  I hate you.’  He’s like a fucking four-year-old who doesn’t get his way.  It’s irritating.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Ryker’s Play Part 2

Here's Ryker as Daddy Warbucks.  He looks quite dashing, yes?  Though I admit I may be a little biased.  The play was quite good.  I thought it was the best he's been in so far.  He is quite the talented actor.

Ryker’s Play

Days until restraining order is lifted: 337

Going to my cousin Ryker's school play tonight.  He's playing Daddy Warbucks in Annie.  Sounds like fun.  He's been practicing for months so he had better be fucking good.  Just kidding.  He's always good.  In his last play he was Fonzie in Happy Days.  Ayyy! 

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Conversation with Voloyda 2

Days until restraining order is lifted: 338

This is a ‘conversation,’ and I use that term very loosely, I had with Voloyda on Facebook yesterday evening.  I posted a status bitching about him hiding in the bushes and this is what ensued: (text in italics means it was translated from Russian)

O: Who the fuck hides in someone’s bushes wearing a three-piece-suit.
V: Sorry I’ll do it a nite next time
O: You already did.  And I noticed you anyway
V: Well sorreeeee.  I’m not as good at spying on people as you are.
O: Please leave me alone or I will call the police
O: And stay out of my yard
O: And the neighbors
O: What the fuck kind of person hides in a bush.
V: I love you
V: Wha’d you log out for
V: Come back
V: I need you
V: My love for you burns like a thousand suns
V: I’ll send you some roses
V: I love you
V: Darien smiled today
V: R u still gonna watch Darien and Natasha tomorrow
V: Natasha says I love you
V: I love you
V: Lets get back together
V: You’re my world
V: Morning without you is a dwindled dawn
V: Dumb bitch
V: I am going to kill you
V: Fine be that way
V: I hate you

He used to call me like thirty times a day, until I blocked his number.  Now we have these kinds of ‘conversations’ on Facebook.  And he always, ALWAYS, says things in Russian.  I am not Russian.  I do not know a whole lot of Russian.  The Russian I do know, I picked up from him when we were dating and it consists of mostly pleasantries, ‘baby talk,’ curses, and some random phrases and words.  Which means every time he says something in Russian I have to fucking translate it.  It’s a pain in the ass and makes talking with all the more stressful.  The only reason I don’t block him altogether is because I’m waiting for him to say something incriminating so I can got to the police. 

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Voloyda’s Craziness Part 7

Days until restraining order is lifted: 339

When I went to pick up my godchildren the other day, this is what Voloyda was wearing.  He’s usually carrying a cane as well.  He looks like a fucking mobster.  What I don’t understand is how David hasn’t noticed this man following him.  He just looks like he’s up to something.  I know if I ran into this man more than once I would be suspicious.  David has got to be the most unobservant man on the planet. 
Word of advice: if you’re going to hide in foliage maybe you should wear camouflage or basically anything other than a three piece suit and fedora. Who the fuck puts on a suit to hide in someone’s bushes?  Hello!  Could you be any more noticeable?

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Voloyda’s Craziness Part 6

That even more terrifying moment when you come home from a movie at 12:30 in the morning and your ex-boyfriend is sitting in your neighbor's tree.  It's raining outside.  Does he really not have anything better to do?  What if I hadn't come home; would he have sat there all night?  This is really creepy.  If Voloyda keeps this up I will have no choice but to call the police.