Saturday, April 20, 2013

Conversation with Voloyda 3

Days until restraining order is lifted: 336

I updated my Facebook status that I was ‘happy to be alive.’  Not even thirty seconds after posting it I received a call from Theo asking what was wrong and if I was going to kill myself.  Apparently he found my happiness very suspicious.  I was actually just happy.  That happiness lasted all of 23 minutes until Voloyda began posting shit.  Here is the conversation that ensued:

O: Happy to be alive.
V: Sorry for saying I was going to kill you
O: Um.  Thank you.  I guess.
V: Your not going to file a restraining order rite
O: No.
V: Why not
O: Because that would be rude.
V: Bet you wish David was of the same opinion
O: To be fair the man was being followed.
V: But not by you.
O: I know that.  You know that.  David does not know that.
V: You could’ve told him
O: He wouldn’t have believed me.  And it’s really not that hard to stay away from someone I have no interest in.
V: I guess
O: I do miss going to The Store though.  And Annette.
O: And the restraining order is the only thing that’s keeping me alive.
V: Why
O: Due to the restraining order I can’t purchase a gun
V: There are other ways to get a gun
O: Why so if I fail to die, I end up with a felony weapons violation.  I’m crazy not stupid.
V: Please don’t kill yourself
O: I have no intention of dying anytime soon
V: We should go on a date
V: Fine be that way.  I hate you

There goes my good mood.  Every conversation we have ends with him either calling me a ‘stupid bitch’ or saying ‘Fine be that way.  I hate you.’  He’s like a fucking four-year-old who doesn’t get his way.  It’s irritating.

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