Thursday, July 11, 2013

Things I Would Say To David

Days until restraining order is lifted: 254

Things I would say to David if I could:
·         I’m sorry.
·         Thank you for filling the restraining order.  My inability to purchase a gun has kept my alive thus far. 
·         You really are attractive for an older guy and you do look like Alan Rickman.
·         I knew nothing would happen between us but it was fun flirting with you.
·         The only reason I followed you to your house was because I was bored and because I was trying to deliver a letter.
·         The rose that you found tucked under your windshield wiper was left there not by me but by my ex.
·         If you and your wife get another divorce give me a call.
·         My ex is living in your building so he can better stalk you and your wife and your children.
·         My ex has been going through your garbage.


  1. Even if "David" wanted to contact you, he doesn't have your number or email or anything.

  2. I'm not that hard a person to find. I have a Facebook, I would imagine he has my address from the restraining order, and even though he doesn't work at The Store anymore it would be easy enough for him to go there or even call and get my number from Annette or Minerva.
