Friday, February 28, 2014

Godson/Awkward Conversation with David 3

Days until restraining order is lifted: 22

Today is my godson's birthday.  He's one year old.  I got to name him.  His name is Darrien Howard Thomas Aksin Stalin.  I named him after my boss.  When I first chose it I absolutely hated the name Howard (which I was quick to tell David when he told me) but it's grown on me over the past year.

It was after I got out of the hospital; I was at The Store and was talking to David.

O: David what's your middle name?
D: Howard.
O: That's horrible.  Don't you have anything better?  (I don't really know what I was expecting his response to be.  Most people only have one middle name.)
D: *strange look* Not really.  My confirmation name was Thomas.
O: That's better than Howard.

Most of the conversations I had with him involved him giving me strange looks.  He brought out my unfortunate aptitude of always saying something bizarre or unfitting.  Open mouth, insert foot.  The day Darrien was born I went to The Store and told David that I named my godson after him.

O: David, my godson was born today.  I named him after you.  Darrien Howard Thomas Aksin Stalin.
D: Really.
O: Yeah.  You saved my life and everything.  It was the least I could do.  I'm not stalking you or anything.
D: Good because if you were stalking me, my wife would come after you with a machete.
O: That's kind of strange.  Just don't file a restraining order against me or anything, eh?
D: I'll only file a restraining order if you start naming your pets after me.  (What a lie that was.  LOL)

And then I was banned from The Store the next day.


  1. I love these posts with you and David. In true school-girl crush fashion you manage to say something weird. It's hilarious. And don't feel too bad, When I finally told the girl I was crushing on I thought she was hot, I immediately followed it up by saying she reminded me of my sister. Can you say awkward?

    1. Awww. Nothing more awkward than telling your crush they remind you of some member of your family. At least I can say I never told David he reminded me of my father or uncle.
