Sunday, March 30, 2014

Updated Phobias List

Since I'm going to try to overcome some of my phobias I figured I should update my phobias list.  I'm always developing new phobias.  It should be kept current.

1.      Accidents
2.      AIDS
3.      Alligators
4.      Anxiety
5.      Appendicitis
6.      Asymmetrical objects
7.      Attacked -being
8.      Atomic explosions
9.      Babies
10.  Bees
11.  Beetles
12.  Birds
13.  Bitten - being
14.  Brain diseases
15.  Buried alive - being
16.  Butterflies
17.  Calling people on the telephone
18.  Cancer
19.  Cannibals
20.  Centipedes
21.  Chainsaws
22.  Childbirth
23.  Children
24.  Choking
25.  Cholera
26.  Churches
27.  Clowns
28.  Cockroaches
29.  Completely isolated - being
30.  Contaminated with dirt or germs - being
31.  Contracting a disease
32.  Cornered – being
33.  Crickets
34.  Crocodiles
35.  Crowds
36.  Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease
37.  Death of close family
38.  Dentists
39.  Dirty – being
40.  Dolls
41.  Drop offs/precipices
42.  Drowning
43.  Ducks
44.  Dysentery
45.  Earthquakes
46.  Ebola virus
47.  Electrocuted - being
48.  Expressing opinions
49.  Failure
50.  Falling or being pushed off a ladder
51.  Flies
52.  Floods
53.  Gallstones
54.  Germs
55.  Heart attacks
56.  Heights
57.  Held down – being
58.  HIV
59.  Hit by a car – being
60.  Holes
61.  House burning down
62.  Hurricanes
63.  Imperfections
64.  Insanity
65.  Insects
66.  Jellyfish
67.  Judged negatively in social situations - being
68.  Kidney disease
69.  Ladybugs
70.  Laughed at - being
71.  Leprosy/Lepers
72.  Lice
73.  Lit on fire - being
74.  Lizards
75.  Lupus
76.  Mannequins
77.  Mauled by bears – being
78.  Mauled by elephants – being
79.  Mauled by hippos – being
80.  Mauled by lions – being
81.  Mauled by tigers – being
82.  Mercury
83.  Missiles
84.  Mobs
85.  Monsoons
86.  Mosquitos
87.  Moths
88.  MRSA
89.  Noxious airborne substances
90.  Nuclear weapons
91.  Oleander
92.  Open high spaces
93.  Open spaces in general
94.  Opossums
95.  Other peoples shoes
96.  Outside
97.  Owning a gun
98.  Parasites
99.  People
100.                      People with amputations
101.                      Pitied – being
102.                      Poisoned – being
103.                      Poliomyelitis
104.                      Prison
105.                      Public toilets
106.                      Pushed down the stairs – being
107.                      Rabies
108.                      Radiation
109.                      Raped – being
110.                      Rats
111.                      Religion
112.                      Ridiculed – being
113.                      Riots
114.                      Risk
115.                      Robbed – being
116.                      SARS
117.                      Scabies
118.                      Scarlet fever
119.                      Scorpions
120.                      Sharks
121.                      Shingles
122.                      Shot – being
123.                      Skin lesions
124.                      Smallpox
125.                      Soccer riots
126.                      Society
127.                      Speaking in public
128.                      Spiders
129.                      Stabbed – being
130.                      Stared at – being
131.                      Storm drains
132.                      Submarines
133.                      Suffocated – being
134.                      Syphilis
135.                      Tap water
136.                      Tapeworms
137.                      Termites
138.                      Tetanus
139.                      The Mafia
140.                      Toads
141.                      Tornadoes
142.                      Touched - being
143.                      Tuberculosis
144.                      Tulips
145.                      Venomous snakes
146.                      Ventriloquists dummies
147.                      Walking over bridges
148.                      War
149.                      Wasps
150.                      Worms

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Overcoming My Phobias

Now that my restraining order is over I can begin the process of getting a gun, which is something that both excites and terrifies me.  Guns are awesome.  I am not afraid of guns.  I believe people should be able to own a gun if they wish.  I don't even think I would be particularly scared if someone were threatening to shoot me.  I would be surprised obviously, but I don't think I would be particularly afraid.  Because quite frankly, I don't care if I die.  I'm not suicidal or anything but you know, everyone has to die sometime.  If someone was threatening to shoot me I don't know that I would do anything to prevent them.  I am not afraid of guns.  I am not afraid of people with guns.  But the thought of owning a gun, of having one in my possession, absolutely terrifies me.  And I have no idea why.  I've tried to think of the reason and I'm not sure I have one.  I don't think I would do anything bad with it.  I wouldn't use it to kill myself.  Or go out and kill someone else.  And I definitely  wouldn't go on like a shooting rampage or anything.  I could never hurt anyone.  I don't know why it scares me so much. 

I would like to get over this.  I would like to get over a lot of things.  I have so many fears and phobias (see post: Phobia List at:, I would like to get over at least some of them.  I don't think I can get over my fear of owning a gun, at least not right now, but maybe I can get over some of the other things.  For the next three months (I may continue for longer depending on how well this works out) I will try to get over some of the things on this list.  Every two weeks I will pick an item and spend a few days researching and studying it and the remaining time will be spent on trying to get over the phobia.  I'll try to tackle some of the less serious ones first and work my way up to the more difficult ones, increasing time if needed.

Each post will list the fear level (1 being slightly nervous, 10 being totally unbearable/would avoid at all costs), why I am afraid, some facts about the fear, and how I plan to overcome it.  I figured I would start off with something that doesn't totally terrify me.  My first fear to tackle is: Ducks.