Sunday, October 26, 2014

Nicholas Goober

Today's post has nothing to do with me and is instead a memorial post for my fur-baby Nicky.  Today was his birthday.  If we hadn't had to put him to sleep he would be thirteen.

Hanging out on the back deck, showing off his tumor.  Which was non-cancerous but we did end up getting removed.
Chilling on the chair he's not supposed to be sitting on.  Bad boy.
This is one of my favorite pictures of him and I have it as my desktop background.  Just taking a nap.
Resting on the lawn after a tiring game of Frisbee and fetch.
Playing in the snow, which he loved.
Mauling Elmo.  Though he was different than most dogs in that he didn't tear up stuffed animals, he just sucked on them and filled them up with saliva and left damp patches on the carpet which weren't very fun to step in.
Giving me an evil look in protest of having gotten a haircut.  He does not look happy about it.
Opening a Christmas gift.  It was a stuffed monkey.


  1. He was a cute puppy. I'm sorry he died.

    1. He was a good boy. When I move out from my parents house I'll get another dog. I miss having one around.
