Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Dad's House

As you know my father passed away in March and one of his assets was a house.  It was actually his girlfriend's house and they weren't living there (and you'll see why) but for whatever reason it was in his name.  Here is the wonderful house my sister and I have to find a way to get rid of.
Right inside the front door.  There were piles of trash like this throughout the house.
The nicest part of the house.  Notice the odd dirty patches on the walls.
The side door in the kitchen.  As you can see it's very beat up.  The duct tape is covering a large split in the door and it had been kicked in so many times all the wood along the door frame had been broken off so it was impossible to lock.
The kitchen.  The pipes under the sink weren't even connected to anything and all the tiles had been stripped from the floor.  I think the oddest part about the kitchen was that while the house was nearly completely empty there was a full set of dishes in one of the cabinets.
Standing in the kitchen looking into the basement.  Take note of how light it is for being the basement of a house with no electricity.
Another shot leading into the basement.
You can't really tell in the picture but there were all kinds of loose pipes hanging from the ceiling like someone had tried to rip them out before deciding it was too much trouble.
More rubbish.
And this is why it was so light down there.  The entire wall had caved in and led directly into the garage.
All the junk inside the garage.  The roof of the garage had fallen in as well so you could actually stand in the basement and see the sky outside through the roof of the garage.
Noticed this as we were walking out.  What the fuck.  You're gonna need more than some DIY books to fix this place up.
We had called a locksmith out to get us into the house as we didn't have a key only for him to show up and push the door open.  The front door wasn't even locked.  All the floors had been stripped and had severe water damage and rotting to the point that you could feel the floor bending when you walked across it.  There was a second floor that we didn't go up to due to the stairs being on the side of the house where the wall had caved in.  Who knows what was up there.  

If anyone's looking for a place to live, I'll sell it to you real cheap. For real the house needs to be condemned.  How on earth do you let a house get to that condition.  I don't even know.  Now we're trying to sign it over to the city for the taxes owed on it.  I hope they take it as I don't want to be stuck with it.

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