Wednesday, April 5, 2017

30 Days of Autism Acceptance: Day 5

Talk about employment and your career. What do you do to support yourself? Are you on disability? Was it hard to get or maintain?

Currently I am an unemployed student. At this point I have a challenging time even keeping up on my schoolwork and I can’t imagine how badly it would go to try to add a job on top of it. I did manage to keep a part-time job for nearly five years before my erratic behavior/autistic burnout resulted in my termination. Ever since I went through my autistic burnout/horrible depression my tolerance for any sort of stress has gone down considerably and I just can’t handle things as well as I used to.

As of now, I can’t work and I’m in the appeal stage of getting on disability. It is such a long and strenuous process. It has been over three years and they continue to deny me. They keep saying that while I have significant impairments and I am disabled, I’m not disabled enough to receive any benefits. This is absolutely ridiculous and I believe the system needs some serious improvements. Getting disability benefits should not be such a hassle.

Thankfully I have great parents who allow me to live with them for free and my wonderful mother is currently covering most of my expenses. I do manage to get some money by doing house/pet/babysitting and my grandmother always gives my some money for helping her out with house cleaning and taking her shopping and to her appointments and things. It’s not much but it’s enough to put petrol in my car and have a bit of an emergency fund for when my car stops working, which happens quite often.

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