Basically, my opinion of autism speaks is the following: I do not, nor will I ever support autism speaks. They are not a charity they are a hate group. I could never support an organization that claims I’m broken, that claims I am less of a person for being autistic, that claims I am an epidemic. I wish the organization was dismantled and replaced by the Autistic Self Advocacy Network (ASAN). Autism speaks does not and will never speak for me.
Reasons why autism speaks is an awful organization:
- They ignore the opinions of autistic people to focus on the opinions of parents about what it's like to live with autism.
- Until recently autism speaks did not have a single autistic person in a senior leadership position, in the past their only autistic board member quit because of their views
- They have supported dangerous therapies and treatments such as ABA, MMS and the Judge Rotenberg Center.
- Less than 4% of funds raised go to autistic people. Most goes to campaigning and research in a cure.
- The #Mssng campaign because autistic people are somehow missing the parts that make us human.
- They compared being autistic to being kidnapped, or having a fatal disease.
- They sympathize with parents that kill their autistic children.
- Biggest spreader of the misinformation that autism is a childhood disorder that we somehow grow out of.
- The ‘I am autism’ video which makes statements like ‘I will make your marriage fail.’ and ‘I have stolen your children.’
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