Sunday, October 26, 2014

Nicholas Goober

Today's post has nothing to do with me and is instead a memorial post for my fur-baby Nicky.  Today was his birthday.  If we hadn't had to put him to sleep he would be thirteen.

Hanging out on the back deck, showing off his tumor.  Which was non-cancerous but we did end up getting removed.
Chilling on the chair he's not supposed to be sitting on.  Bad boy.
This is one of my favorite pictures of him and I have it as my desktop background.  Just taking a nap.
Resting on the lawn after a tiring game of Frisbee and fetch.
Playing in the snow, which he loved.
Mauling Elmo.  Though he was different than most dogs in that he didn't tear up stuffed animals, he just sucked on them and filled them up with saliva and left damp patches on the carpet which weren't very fun to step in.
Giving me an evil look in protest of having gotten a haircut.  He does not look happy about it.
Opening a Christmas gift.  It was a stuffed monkey.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Social Cues Part Two

On my last post about social cues a couple of people expressed interest in another post on the subject.  Here are some more social norms I’ve noticed.
  • When talking to someone try to make sure your comments go with the conversation.  For example if someone says ‘I bought a new car.’ Your response should not be ‘I read a book about 18th century France.’ I have a hard time with this one.  If I don’t know what to say I’ll either say nothing which makes for long awkward pauses or I’ll say the first thing that comes into my head, which if it doesn’t relate to the conversation also creates awkward pauses.  Try to make sure your statements are relevant.
  • When one is in a public place whether it be at a store, restaurant, or school it is important to leave your shoes on your feet. 
  • When in an elevator make sure you’re facing the door.  It’s considered odd to face the back of the elevator.  This is true for most elevators unless the elevator has a glass back that you can see out of.  It’s still rather odd but not as odd as to just be staring at the back wall. 
  • Try not to talk to yourself in public.  People will think you are crazy.  I usually try to contain it, but if I can’t I’ll put headphones in (the apple ones that have the mouth piece) so people think I’m talking on the phone.
  • Don’t bring unusual or unnecessary objects with you out in public.  This is more acceptable for children but as you get older you’re expected to stop bringing useless items with you.  Because I move around so much and am easily distracted, I usually have a few things in my backpack to help keep me focused.  I bring a few fidget toys with me to class every day because I listen much better when I have something to do with my hands.
  • Don’t sit down on the floor in public places, especially if there is a chair.  I’ve found that there are several exceptions to this though.  It is acceptable to sit on the floor at school if you are waiting in the hallway for your class.  And you can sit on the ground outside but only if you’re either sitting on the curb or steps or at a park or like a grassy area.
  • Don’t criticize people who haven’t asked you to do so unless it’s absolutely necessary (e.g. they are about to fail an important project or embarrass themselves in some way).  I tend to be very blunt and overly honest with people.  For example: if someone comes up and asks you how they look in their new outfit and you think they look terrible, it’s probably not a good idea to voice that particular opinion.  Instead you should say something like: ‘that really isn’t your color’ or ‘you’d look better with a different style of shirt.’
  • Don’t refuse to shake someone’s hand.  I have trouble with this one.  Because I don’t like to touch people, especially people I don’t know very well (as is often the case with hand shaking, you will rarely be expected to shake hands with people you’ve met more than a couple times).  I used to, and still do, occasionally, refuse to shake people’s hands. 
  • Don’t pepper your conversations with phrases from another language or with obscure words or phrasing that most people won’t understand.  For example: if you are talking to your friend, unless your friend happens to be a Russian doctor, it would be out of place to start speaking in Russian and using advanced medical terminology. 
  • When eating in public or with other people it is important to use the proper utensils and not your hands.  

Thursday, October 23, 2014

The Yes Philosophy of Life

I've decided to post my essay for my philosophy class on the Yes Philosophy of Life. I really enjoyed writing the paper.  I think it gives a lot of insight for my reasons for living.  I did much better than I expected, and received 100%.  Here we go.

The Yes Philosophy of Life

Life is worth living only if you have something to live for. 
       I am an atheist and believe in no afterlife or re-incarnation. As such I try to live for the now, for this life, because it’s the only one I have. I believe that the goal of my life should be to be as happy and well-adjusted as I can and to leave a positive impact on the people I have encountered once I’m gone. In the movie “Yes Man”[1] the protagonist Carl Allen suffers a nightmare of his friends finding his dead body and remarking that he never did anything with his life. This nightmare motivates him to get out there and to try new things; he does so and makes both himself and his friends much happier because of it. This is the reason to live: to be happy and to impart happiness to others.
       As someone who has attempted suicide and who still sometimes has suicidal thoughts the reasons I have for living vary from day to day except the most prominent of them, which never changes: The main reason I am still alive is because my family would be upset if I died. “William James”[2] states that living for others is not a good enough reason for living. I disagree; if you are still able to derive pleasure from life and other people help to impart some happiness to you and you impart happiness to them in return, why would you want to intentionally hurt them by dying? If other people are your reason for living and bringing joy to them gives you happiness I see no reason why you shouldn’t live for that.
       When I was attempting suicide, I was standing in the road trying to get run over and my boss came over and yelled at me. He said “You're going to kill yourself that way... You would ruin someone's life like that? That's the most selfish thing I've ever heard.”[3] It made me realize that not only would I destroy the life of the person that ran me over but I would destroy my own life and the lives of my family and the others that cared about me. It is my right to live my life how I want to, and that includes dying if I wish it, but it is not my right to inflict unnecessary hardship on others.
       I live because I want to do something good with my life. I live because my family and friends will miss me if I’m gone and because it is not my right to inflict needless pain on others. I live because most of the time I enjoy being alive.
[1] Yes Man. Performed by Jim Carrey, Zooey Deschanel. United States: Warner Home Video, 2009. DVD.
[2] William James, The Will to Believe and Other Essays in Popular Philosophy (New York: Longmans, Green and Comapny, 1931). 32-62
[3] Evens, October. "Stalking My Ex-Boss." Stalking My Ex-Boss. March 11, 2013. Accessed October 12, 2014.

I think it sums up my thoughts on living quite nicely.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Break Up with Silas/Autism Evaluation

Sorry I haven't updated in so long.  I'll make it up to you, I have several posts planned for this weekend.  Quite a bit going on with me.  Silas and I broke up.  My Grandmother broke her face.  I'm being evaluated for autism.  I've been dating a bit.  My class is going well.

Silas and I broke up.  He said that he could no longer handle the annoyances, insanity and talk about other men.  And Voloyda.  I understand that I'm annoying.  I understand that I'm not totally sane.  I understand Voloyda.  Not really sure I understand the talking about other men, Silas did agree to an open relationship and I never actually went out with anyone else.  We're still friendly though, let's hope he doesn't turn crazy like Voloyda did.  And while we're talking about Voloyda, Silas and I broke up and I told Dima who then told Voloyda who then sent Silas some semi threatening messages including:
  • I just got an interesting text from my brother.  I told you not to hurt her.  What the fuck man?  I am NOT pleased.
  • Fucking Tosser.
  • Hanging out with your girl you stupid, stupid man.
  • If she has another breakdown and winds up in the hospital because of you, you had best believe she won't be the only one in there.
  • Bout to sleep with your girl brother.
For the record: I didn't have a breakdown.  And I most definitely did not sleep with Voloyda.

My grandmother fell at her house and totally bashed her face up.  It was horrible: black eyes, non-stop nosebleeds, bruises all over.  She didn't want to be home alone so I ended up staying over at her house with her for a couple days.  And after I left she got another really bad nosebleed and had to go back to hospital.  And then she ended up staying at my aunts' for two weeks.  She's back home now though.

I am being evaluated for whether I have an autism spectrum disorder.  I had my evaluation appointments and now just waiting for the results.  It was basically just two, two hour appointments where they asked me a bunch of questions about my habits.  And there were several packets to fill out.  My mother filled out an Asperger's checklist for me; out of seventy-five questions only four weren't checked and those were things like 'responds to name' and 'can count to ten.'  We shall see how it goes.  I find out the 31st.

Since Silas broke up with me, I've been dating a bit.  I went on a date with this one guy but it didn't really work out.  I'm talking to this other guy.  We've been on a couple of dates and have another scheduled for this Friday.

School is going really well.  I've done really well on my last few papers.  Especially the last one I wrote.  The topic was: Is life worth living and why I am alive.  I got a 100% and the comment that I am a 'brilliant genius.'  I really enjoyed writing the paper and I think it gives a lot of insight about my reasons for living.  I may post it on here.