Tuesday, March 31, 2015

It Wasn't Domestic Violence

It feels like I haven't updated in forever.  Not really been much going on with me lately.  My parents arrived home yesterday.  My father's memorial service is the 7th, so I'll probably post about that next week.  At least my mom is home and she said she'd go with me.

The past few days have been spent panicking over how to explain the bruise on my face to my parents, should they ask about it.  Voloyda and I have started dating again (you can yell at me in the comments if you like, I realize it's not exactly the best idea.)  He's living with his brother, Dima, so I've been hanging out with them a lot.  Well Thursday, Voloyda accidentally punched me in the face and it left a nice bruise.  Apparently Dima had slapped him the day before and Vova's revenge was to hide and then pop out and punch him in the chest.  It worked great other than the fact that I stumbled across him before his brother did and got socked right in the cheek.

I had therapy that evening and between my bruised face and a large scrape on the back of my wrist (inflicted by the carpet when I pitched face-first onto the floor and tried to save my phone by curling my hand around it and to my chest instead of bracing myself) she asked if someone was beating me.  And then when I told her what happened she didn't believe me and kept asking if Voloyda had injured my wrist as well.  Basically the exact scenario I wanted to avoid with my parents.  In an effort to avoid a huge issue I decided to tell them that Voloyda had hit me while LARPing.  When my mother asked me about my face (I had already told her about my wrist) I didn't even have a chance to respond before she said "LARPing?  Don't expect me to pay your medical bills."  I didn't even have to lie.  Everything when better than expected.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

23rd Birthday

Today my grandmother and her cousin and my aunt's family minus Ryker went out to dinner to celebrate my birthday tomorrow.  Ryker couldn't come because he had a job interview earlier (he'll be 16 in two weeks) and he had a bunch of homework to catch up on.  We went to Bob Evans which while not my first choice, or second, or third (my grandmother kept shooting down my ideas) it was good.  My grandmother gave me some cash (Yay! I can afford food this week!) and my aunt gave me an amazon gift card (which I went home and promptly spend on books from my wishlist.)  I'm not particularly fond of cake but I made one anyway and sent the majority of it home with my aunt.  I like making cakes just not eating them; I'm more of a biscuit or donut person. 

My parents are still in Florida and don't get back until the end of the month so mom said we could go out to dinner then.  I can't wait until they get back.  I'm not very good at managing things myself.  I've been saying I need a new summer quilt for my bed for a while so mom let me pick one out online.  I already have a quilt and I really like it but it's my parents old one and it's probably around 12 years old and the backing is falling off and the cotton keeps falling out and it has a softball sized hole in it and I haven't washed it in ages because I'm afraid the washer will shred it.  It's pretty messed up.  Before they left I asked dad if he thought it could be fixed but he took one glance at it and said it needed to go directly into the trash.  Anyway mom let me pick out a new one online and it's set to arrive by the end of the week.  It's really pretty, black and white designed squares in a checkerboard pattern.  

No new information about when the memorial for my father will be.  It's been 13 days since he died.  I'm hoping it's soon.  I just want to get it over with.  

Thursday, March 5, 2015

My Father

Today I picked out an urn for my father.  On Monday my biological father died.  We weren't particularly close, but it still hurts.  I've barely cried.  I feel bad that I don't feel worse about him dying.  Two weeks ago he called me and we talked for a bit.  That was the first time I spoke to him in three years.  He didn't say he was dying.  

We used to be closer when I was younger.  Him and my mom broke up when was 3.  When he lived close enough I used to stay with him every other weekend or so up until middle school.  Once a month or so when he lived in Detroit (until he got arrested for DUI while driving me home one time.) We'd watch the live action batman films from the early 90's (the ones with Michael Keaton.)  And he'd give me jelly toast with coffee in the mornings.  That's one of the few things I really remember.

I did live with him and his girlfriend for a couple months right after I graduated high school.  It didn't work out and I left shortly after and moved in with my grandmother.  When I lived with him I did find out I have another half-sister.  My mother knew but never felt the need to tell me.  Would have been nice to know.  (I found her online but never worked up the nerve to contact her.)  The last time I saw him was 3 years ago at his sister's funeral service.  The only thing he said to me was a comment about all my facial piercings.