Sunday, September 21, 2014

Six Month Pledge Revisited

Six months ago (I can't believe it's been six months since the restraining order expired) I pledged to another six months of blogging after which I would decide if I wanted to continue the blog or not.  Well, it's been six months and I've thought about it and decided to continue the blog.  I really enjoy writing it and you guys seem to enjoy reading it. 

One thing that really irritates me is when you're following a blog or a story or whatever and the person just stops with no mention of why or if they're planning on coming back.  That irritates me greatly and I always said I wouldn't do that.  For the time being I will continue to blog and if I reach a point where I no longer wish to continue I promise that I won't just stop without some sort of acknowledgement.  Here's to continuing the blog indefinitely.


  1. I'm happy to hear that you're going to continue the blog. I'm a psychology major and I find the blog really interesting. It's nice to get a perspective from someone who realizes they're different. I hope that didn't sound overly rude. It's just most people seem to insist that they're normal even if they're not and it's nice to hear from someone who acknowledges that they are different.

    And for someone with a dry sense of humor like me (and you as well I suppose) some of your statements are absolutely hilarious. I've even started quoting some of them, hope you don't mind. Keep up the good work

    1. Thanks, I'm glad you enjoy it.

      I'm wondering what kinds of things you quote. Much of the stuff I write seems like it would be overly specific for use by someone else in conversation.

    2. I'm happy to hear you're continuing the blog.

      I also quote you occasionally. Things like:
      "Maybe if I had completely lost all touch with reality that might seem like a good idea. But tenuous as my grip may be, I’m not that far gone. So I’m inclined to say no."
      "I have not been accosted by a machete wielding Filipino woman." which works wonders as a way to end a conversation you no longer wish to continue.
      I love throwing out this fact "So as long as you don’t swerve to hit the person, you can legally go around mowing people down. Isn’t that fascinating?"
      "What a lie that was."
      And my new favorite which I told my sister when she stated that she needed a boyfriend "When looking for a potential romantic partner, someone who is your boss, married, and thirty-three years your senior probably isn’t the best option."

    3. To Markus: May I ask what your sister's response was to this piece of advice?

    4. A confused look and the sarcastic comment of: "Thanks. I'll be sure to remember that."

  2. Glad you're continuing the blog
