Sunday, April 17, 2016

Conversation with Voloyda 28

Actually, after I looked through the blog, it seems I never posted the one stating Voloyda was mentally ill.  I just found it, typed up but never posted.  The lost post, all the way back from September of ‘14.  I meant to post it a few days after Conversation with Voloyda 27 but I must have forgot.  Oops, my bad.  I give you the long, long overdue post of Conversation with Voloyda 28.

V: You know how at first I said Connery was his son that died and you said if he lost a child that was very sad and then I said that Connery wasn’t his son and that he wasn’t dead?
O: Yes.
V: Well it turns out that Connery was his son and while he isn’t dead, David did ‘lose’ him in a sense.  Apparently Connery is his son from his second wife and David abandoned him as well.  Just like he did to his first wife and children.  He seems to make a habit of it.  A man that doesn’t stand by his children is no man at all; he’s a coward and a blackguard and does not deserve respect.
O: Really?  If that’s true it’s fucked up.
V: I’m telling you there’s something really not right about that man.
O: There’s something really not right about you as well.
V: Say what you will about me but at least I take care of my responsibilities.  Family is more important than anything.
O: Says the man who at the age of 20 was so desperate for a child he took it upon himself to hide my birth control pills and when I had them replaced, swapped them with a placebo.
V: Er… I don’t really have a defense for that one.  It was completely crazy.  I never really apologized for it either so I’m sorry.
O: I’m sorry but in this case apologizing doesn’t cut it.  What you did was seriously fucked up and so beyond the realm of sane behavior I don’t even have a response for it.  I’m just happy I didn’t wind up pregnant.

Sabotaging my birth control.  At first I thought it was me and that I was just really absentminded and kept losing them.  And then I found out it was him.  That was the turning point in our relationship.  It was I think the first time I really noticed there was something really, seriously wrong with him.  There were smaller things before that, but the birth control was the big one that made me go ‘what the hell?’  That is just not something a sane person does and it was something I couldn’t overlook.  We broke up not long after that. 

However, I will say, his behavior been much more stable ever since he was placed on medications for his illness (which I will not disclose because it is not my business to do so and it doesn’t really pertain to the topic of the post.)  If he says it’s okay I may tell you but at this point it isn’t relevant.

As for David’s children, that sucks.  But, and I speak as someone whose parents are no longer together: if the relationship is not working and they feel as if it would be better to separate, they should do so.  I would rather my parents be happy living separately than stay together and be miserable.

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