Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Presentation Preparations

I had planned a post on pansexuality for today (sorry Markus, you'll have to wait) but more pressing matters have pushed it back.  Now on top of studying for two huge tests, I also have to prepare for a speech I have to give tomorrow.  It appears I must tackle my fear of public speaking earlier than anticipated.  I don't do speeches.  Even thinking about giving a speech causes extreme nervousness.  However this speech is a huge part of my grade and the professor is unwilling to make any accommodations so it appears I must present.  And since I'll be very uncomfortable, I figured I would pick a mostly taboo subject and make everyone else uncomfortable as well.  My topic will be: attempted suicide.  My attempted suicide to be exact.  And maybe a bit on the restraining order as well.  I'll update tomorrow and let you know how it goes.  Hopefully I don't faint.

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