Monday, August 5, 2013

Conversation with Voloyda 14

Days until restraining order is lifted: 229

Lovely conversation I had with Voloyda on Facebook today.

V: So how’s it going with you and that guy?
O: Leave me alone.
V: That well eh?
V: You want me to talk to him ;(
O: Please don't.
V: I'll talk sum sense into him if you want.
O: I doubt it and I would prefer you didn't try.
V: He packin eh? I can deal with that. I am to.
O: What do you mean you're packing? You're not supposed to be.
V: As you very well know I was aquitted of those charges.
O: You may have been acquitted but that doesn't mean you didn't do it.
V: I don’t know what your talking about.
O: I've seen the video.
V: I know nothing of any video.
O: Really? Because I remember watching you drive that car into the lake.
V: Oh you mean that video? The one that was thrown out of court due to it being illegally seized?
O: As I said before: just because you were acquitted doesn't mean you didn't do it.
V: It wasn’t me. And even if it was crashing a car into a lake is not a crime.
O: It is if you're doing it to dispose of the evidence of another crime.
V: That was never proven.
O: There were guns in the trunk.
V: Yeah, but they weren’t my guns.
O: I know they weren't yours.  But they were used to shoot someone during a robbery.
V: Yeah but not by me.  I have no idea how those guns ended up in the trunk.
O: Just forget it. There's no winning with you. And I really don't care anyway.

Yeah so basically what happened was Voloyda was paid to dump his car that was loaded with guns, which had been used in various crimes, into a lake. And for whatever reason he recorded himself doing this (insurance for the people who paid him maybe?)  Well the car was found four days after he dumped it and the police traced it back to him.  He told the police that the car had been stolen.  When they took him in for questioning he had the SD card with the video of him dumping the car on his person and somehow lost it at the police station.  The stupidity astounds me.  The police found it but it was thrown out of court.  The video was really the only thing that linked him to a crime (failure to report your car stolen is not a crime).  Long story short he was acquitted of the various charges that had been filed against him.   

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