Saturday, March 22, 2014

Restraining Order Restrictions

Days until the restraining order is lifted: 0

Things the restraining order barred me from doing which I can now do.
  1. RESPONDENT SHALL NOT ABUSE the protected persons named in this order by harming, attempting to harm, threatening, following, stalking, harassing, forcing sexual relations upon, or committing sexually oriented offenses against them.
  2. RESPONDENT SHALL NOT ENTER the residence, school, business, or place of employment, day care centers, or child care providers of the protected persons named in this Order, including the building, grounds and parting lots at those locations.  Respondent may not violate this order even with the permission of the protected person.
  3. RESPONDENT SHALL NOT INTERFERE with protected persons' right to occupy the residence including, but not limited to cancelling utilities, insurance, interrupting phone service, mail delivery, or the delivery of any other documents or items.
  4. RESPONDENT SHALL STAY AWAY from protected persons named in this order, and shall not be present within 500 feet or 1 block (distance) of protected persons, wherever protected persons may be found, or any place the Respondent knows or should know the protected persons are likely to be, even with the protected persons' permission.  If Respondent accidentally comes into contact with protected persons in any public or private place, Respondent must depart immediately.  This Order includes encounters on public and private roads, highways, and thoroughfares.
  5. RESPONDENT SHALL NOT REMOVE, DAMAGE, HIDE, OR DISPOSE OR ANY PROPERTY OR PETS owned or possessed by the protected persons named in this Order.
  6. RESPONDENT SHALL NOT INITIATE OR HAVE ANY CONTACT with the protected persons named in this Order at their residences, businesses, places of employment, schools, day care centers, or child care providers.  Contact includes, but is not limited to, telephone, fax, e-mail, voice mail, delivery service, writings, or communications by any other means in person or through another person.  Respondent may not violate this Order even with the permission of the protected person.
  7. RESPONDENT SHALL NOT CAUSE OR ENCOURAGE ANY OTHER PERSON to do any act prohibited by this order.
  8. RESPONDENT SHALL NOT POSSESS, USE, CARRY, OR OBTAIN ANY DEADLY WEAPON.  Respondent shall turn over all deadly weapons in Respondent's possession to the law enforcement agency that serves the Respondent with this Order.
The only one I think that may have been violated was number 7.  Which I did not encourage but I was the cause of Voloyda going after David.  The wording of the order is off, and it sounds like I could be charged with something for someone else doing something I have no control over.  It makes it sound like if Voloyda were to break into David's apartment or something, I would be equally guilty even though I would have had nothing to do with it.  The city should probably look into rewording that. 

Either way the restraining order expires today and now I can do whatever the fuck I want in regards to David.  Which is basically nothing.  I'm going to wait until at least mid-April before I mail him the card I made him and then it will be over.

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