Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Conversation with Voloyda 20

Days until restraining order is lifted: 31

V: I found you this picture.
O: I don't recognize any of these people.
V: You don't recognize your lovely former boss?  That's David in the center.
O: You're kidding.  He's freakin adorable.
V: From the top left: "D.R. Jr." "J.K." from bottom left: "W.R." David "M.R." (after their mother Rosemary?)
O: His mother's name is Rosemary?
V: Rosemary Smith.
O: Really?  Well that explains why he gave me a strange look when I told him one of my aliases was Rosemary Smith.
V: I thought it was Rosemary Evans?
O: Rosemary Smith and October Evens.
O: Now that I think about it, I'm amazed the man waited as long as he did to file a restraining order.  He probably thought I was stalking him long before he was actually being stalked.  For me to go up to him and tell him I sometimes went by his mother's name?  Totally creepy.  LOL
V: So funny
O: Where did you find this picture anyway?
V: I have my ways.
O: Of course you do.  Don't send me any more pictures.
V: I won't.  I don't have anymore. 


  1. I find it interested that you do not use the peoples real names but you tell us that David's mother is named Rosemary Smith. Why? Is the reason you say her name is that because she is passed away?

    1. To my knowledge she is not dead. The only reason I stated her name is because Rosemary Smith is another of my aliases and Smith is one of, if not the most common surname in America. And with the information I've provided I really don't think anyone would be able to find her.
