Thursday, February 27, 2014

Likely Discovery of Blog Part 2

Silas read my post from earlier and said it sounded as if I was being threatened or I was afraid.  That was not my intention.  I am not afraid of Voloyda and I do not particularly care if he finds the blog.  But should Voloyda find it, I am concerned of what might happen.  Not from him, I do not believe he would do anything, but from people he may tell.  Once Voloyda finds something out it does not remain a secret for very long.  Word gets around and I am apprehensive of what might happen should it be discovered by certain people; namely Annette or god-forbid David.  My blog is not illegal.  Suspicious and ill-advised, yes.  But not illegal.  And while it is not illegal, it would be safe to say that Annette and David could make things difficult for me if they wished to.  Maybe even going so far as to file another restraining order.  Should they decide on that course of action, I would fight it and I would win.  They have no grounds on which to file against me.  Even though I would win, it seems like an unnecessary hassle.  And I would just as much avoid the situation altogether.


  1. So basically you imply the blog is a lie and then follow it up by telling us it isn't and you're just trying to avoid legal action from Annette or David if they find it.
